Therapist kissed me and it was weird

Date: 8/7/2018

By Whimsical

I was at my house and my therapist came over during a party. He said something about checking on my living conditions. My mom kept ordering me around and kept getting mad when I dropped something or made mistakes. After a while my therapist pulled me into another room and told me he saw what she does now and that he was sorry. We sat down in two chairs next to eachother and he pulled me into a hug. I started to cry into his chest. Then he kissed me I think on the head and it felt weird but I didn’t care because I was too busy crying and I liked the hug. Then we stopped and he helped me finish the stuff I had to do at the party and we looked through some of my stuff together. Somehow my mom found out he kissed me, I think he told her? She flipped out and said if he screwed up again I would never see him again. He got all nervous and kept apologizing and saying he didn’t know why he did it. Then my mom told me to take out the trash or something and I told him I wanted us to talk alone again out there and he was like yeah we need to talk about that kiss. I told him that I liked the hug but the kiss was stepping way over the ok boundary and it made me feel weird. He apologized and we sat outside together. Something makes me think his dog showed up out of nowhere and starting licking us. I think we fell asleep in the grass??? Don’t remember a lot after that. Know he left at some point but he didn’t drive a car he rode a bike with like tires that were way too big for it and it made him look stupid.