Date: 9/8/2018
By LucidPineapple
I had a few weird dreams last night. The first thing I remember is getting a link to Caty’s tumblr where she makes a post explaining things and trying to apologize to me. I ignore it and close the page. I was on a large greyhound bus with a bunch of other people. We were all a part of a team of sorts. The bus pulls up to a high school and I saw a guy named Mike standing in a red school t shirt on the grass with some other people. I duck to avoid being seen by him. Definitely wanting to avoid him. The dream skips and I’m doing things for people around the building. I was getting tired of helping and I go back to my own trailer-like building. Going back and forth between helping and getting fed up again. I go back to my building and I have a few friends sitting around a wooden coffee table with me while we eat. One of my friends, Sid, was sitting across from me. He looked like Jasper from The 100. He was getting really frantic about how humans are awful and we don’t deserve anything. He started to get suicidal and manic. I turned him into a jacket for me to wear to protect him from himself. The dream skipped and I’m back at my childhood home with my brother Brian. He was a young child again with large pitch black eyes. He was a little demon child and Mom asked me to take him outside to play and learn and explore. So we got in my car and started to drive off!