Telling Off Tristan

Date: 7/24/2020

By LaurenTheFierce

So I believe that I was at the water park with my best friend Jazmin. I was also much younger too. The only thing I remember is getting in line for something with my friend. Next thing I know, I spot my crush, Tristan, as he then got in line too. However, he and a few others cut in front of me and some others. Immediately, I went full SJW mode and tell him and his friends off. Idc who you are, but you don’t cut me or my friends! ...I just kinda hated my tone of voice when I told him off. He’s usually nice and the dream does not depict how we usually are... With that being said, Tristan went to his old spot before he cut us, and I moved up. When it was my turn I grabbed a pair of nail clippers for some reason? And then I woke up. Fun times.