Date: 6/16/2018
By bumblebae
I was in a room with 3 people, my family in the dream I think but no one I know in real life. There was something on the wall like electrical controls you'll see in garages. I kept asking "how many people are there besides us? how many?" and one of them ripped the control panel's cover off to reveal a few sparking thick wires/battery looking things with two empty spots. I saw it and somehow understood there was only one and my family or who ever was there didn't exist so I said "there's only room for one..". As I said this my family's eyes went up and were replaced with black as they fell to the floor saying in unison "we deserved it" which started in their normal voices and then progressed into deeper and robotic sounding. I was just standing there and then looked back at the control panel but the dream ended.