
Date: 7/12/2020

By iamMartinez!

It was one of Gladis kids birthday party. I was there but I was seemingly uninvited. Awkward and shy I just wanted to see her. She came out and acknowledged me. Or maybe just noticed me there. Not much contact though. Her husband was there as well mixing it up with the guests. He made his way to the table im sitting in and said something like why I’m so apart from the crowd or something like that. He gave me a costume and told me to put it on so I could mix it up and join the party. It was a court jesters outfit. It crossed my mind, what am I a clown? He went on about his business. I stood there marveling at his beautiful house. Envying him. He even built his kids a tree house that I though was probably a bit too high up on a tree. Finally toward the end of the night he made his way over to me and asked how do we know each other anyway. I didn’t want to say I’m an old friend of Gladis so instead I said I’m an old friend of her brother. He was about to ask her brother about that when I woke up or lost track of the dream.