Strike one and you’re out

Date: 3/30/2019

By always-shivering

I had a dream where Justin was living by himself in a cute lil apartment. I came over soon after he had finished moving in. He told me his door code and some other security password he had so I could access his apartment. Later on I the dream I ran into Justin’s neighbors. They were a quirky couple who were really easy to talk to... too easy... we were just talking and laughing with one another until the guy slipped me into giving him Justin’s door code. I gave it to him without even thinking. Once I realized, I knew I made a mistake because these people (the guy especially) were really creepy but I couldn’t put a finger on why. He then asked me for his security code in a joking manner. I blurted out a bunch of random letters and numbers that was suspiciously too long. Soon after I decided to take off where I bolted back to Justin’s place to tell him what happened. I told him I told them his door code and that he should get it changed immediately since these people did not give off a good vibe.. he agreed but we decided to go to sleep. All of a sudden I was back to sleeping in my own room. This part felt real. Every detail of the room I know and sleep in every night was there. It was my room. Whether this was real or a dream.. I don’t know.. but I was in my room sleeping with my covers over my face. Suddenly I heard my door squeak open and I tried to disregard it. I felt someone’s presence in my room and at this point I decided it would be best to close my eyes and keep em shut. Pretend I was asleep. If I can’t see them they can’t see me right? (Lol). This person or presence walked into my room right up to my bed. I felt their weight shifting and sinking the floor ever so slightly as they walked through my room. I could tell this was a man. A big, strong man. I tried to convince myself whilst still hiding under he covers with my eyes shut that it was just my dad. Or later, that it was Justin. This “man” walked around the foot of my bed to the other side closest to the window. With every step I could feel his weight shifting and the floor slightly sinking down. I tried yelling in my head that it’s just Justin over and over , scrunching my eyes closed even harder until he had reached the furthest he could go. I told myself it was Justin one last tome before ripping off my covers and opening my eyes only to see the a fisted arm of a large shadowy creature flying towards me. It socked me in the face, waking me up. I woke up yelling “OH MY GOD!”. My heart racing. I was too scared to sleep the rest of that night even though I had to get up early the next day. I was afraid he was there. Waiting... Extra: I talked to Boik the rest of the night. Exchanging scary stories and made plans on going to this haunted home outside my city. Legit was such a wuss that night. He told me scary stories and I couldn’t help but cry. Tears kept rolling down my cheeks and I couldn’t control it lol. We slept around 6:30 and I got around 2h of sleep that night. Whatever this dream was might have been from watching the movie Malevolent on Netflix that night with Justin. We only got through about half though until we both passed out