Lucid 8th Grade Relived

Date: 12/11/2019

By kyle_chandler

I was at a soccer game in my 8th grade year. I was lucid to the extent that I knew I was dreaming and knew that I was in my younger body. The soccer game was uneventful besides me scoring a goal after two failed attempts. We were smoking a blunt on the field but hiding it from our PE teacher Mr. Grosso. The ash was getting on our white shirts though. After the game we went to the playground to hangout. Matt said something about how the dirt on his shirt was better than this non organic playground turf material. To hide the fact that his shirt was covered in ash. I ended up talking to Mr. Grosso with Matt, and I told him about electromagnetic fields, and how everything is influencing each other even when there’s no physical contact. I jokes that that was why I could make him angry from all the way over where I was standing. There was then a lot of guy talk about 8th grade stuff with my friends. And we filed back into school. I was trying to find my desk but I couldn’t remember what backpack I had when I was in 8th grade. I tried asking my friends to identify my backpack but they were just messing with me because they didn’t believe that I didn’t know. I was joking back with them too. To my friend Erik I said, “it’s almost like i’m a 22y/o in an 8th grader’s body. And he looked at me funny. Then the teacher was in there and I asked her to tell me where the backpack was. She also thought I was trying to pull one over on her. I said “I can tell you who the next three presidents will be and you can’t just show me my backpack?” She became totally confused and her initial frustration with me turned into compassion, she said “Well who knows, you could have some kind of memory condition” I said “Yeah! And with all this toxic processed foods i’ve been eating who knows what kind of problems I could be having” I just kept affirming her, I asked her to hurry and tell me bc I could feel the dream fading. Until finally she pointed to a desk next to the wall. I walked over and the desk only had a pair of work boots and some other items I never bothered to identify, no backpack. But it looked like my things. I said “no backpack!” Really dramatically and fell to the floor. The whole class was laughing. I was performing a bit the whole time of this dream. I was obviously much more confident in the dream than I was in my 8th grade years, it felt like this dream healed some kind of wound from that time, by giving me the opportunity to really own who I was at that time with total confidence. The feeling by the end of it was total elation and nostalgia, no bad feelings whatsoever. I even found myself giving gratitude for this at the desk just before the dream ended, and asking for more opportunities like this to heal old wounds.