Date: 3/21/2020
By SweetDreams77
Background: This dream is during the COVID-19 pandemic and I wasn’t going to school. Dream: somehow school had resumed and we went back to Ms. Sutton’s room to eat lunch. Cat came in dressed a little different and I complemented her. Some way or another, we ended up at prom, but for whatever reason, it was at a park with a playground. James was there and I remember being so happy. I was sitting on the playground and Cat was hanging off the side. There was a little double plexiglass window in front of her and it had a hairy spider on it. I asked her if she thought it was inside or outside. She said she wasn’t sure and then touched it quickly. Apparently it was on the outside because she fell to the ground saying that it hurt. One of the staff picked her up and tried to help her get to a sink so she could try to get the poison out. I ran with James to a different sink so I could wash my hands. Somewhere in all this, I remember there being some talk about diamonds on the bottoms of there feet. That’s when I remember waking up.