Diamond Dystopia

Date: 12/23/2018

By savamey

I am in/am watching a new Steven Universe episode. In this episode, the apocalypse has happened and the diamonds have taken over the world, and it’s up to me/Steven to stop them. The apocalypse starts when it rains hard for days, so much that my neighborhood, which is above the Louisville floodplain, floods. I watch from my deck with Olaf as the floods rise and then flood into my yard as a giant wave. It’s scary yet cool at the same time. I then sneak onto an island that the diamonds have declared as their base. The rest of the Crystal Gems are with me. I overhear Yellow Diamond crack a joke with an underling, then her being ashamed of it because she’s acting human. I leave the island, then I return because I forgot something. A woman in a black hood and cape and white skin stops me and warns me of the danger. She’s implied to be a diamond. She lets me retrieve my lost item, though. I then encounter a branch of secret agents for the diamonds. A few of the members are rude to me, but then I hear them discuss rebelling while they sit at the kitchen table. I chime in with my approval, but they act like they weren’t talking about rebellion. The dream is also a video game, and the agents’ name cards all say they’re evil, even though they want to rebel. These agents then force me and a bunch of others to do work at sewing machines for them, but because there’s not enough sewing machines in the room we’re in, I’m moved to a computer. I sit at a crappy computer next to a boy with a really feminine computer. I then travel back in time to around the time of my sister’s birth. It is revealed that my mom actually gave birth to a doll that looked like my baby sister and that was given life by what she called “Harry Potter-like magic”. My brothers were also dolls given life by magic. This weirds me out extremely. In fact, this was the creepiest, worst part of the dream. Hopefully I have better dreams tonight.