Superman Draws & Gets a bird

Date: 11/18/2017

By GoldenApple

I was in a superman costume, but it looked like something a toddler would wear. I looked myself in the mirror and I thought I looked nice, because of the long red cape. I was drawing on my phone in a artstyle Ive never drawn in before, a girl came along and she said:" How are you able to do this?" I went to the pet store and I looked at birds, I dont know who I talked to, but someone said:" People dont want old birds" "They will have to be around 1/3 years old, because I want it to be with me longer, but some people do want a old bird" I added. A sun concure (parrot) flew to me, it was very tame and friendly. I pet it and I shake my hand so she flies to the cage again, but then she flies back and I let her stay. I ask about her age and I was told she is 3 years old. I was sad about that because I wasnt able to get a bird in 2 years according to my dream.