My friend betrayed me when I made a tiktok without her

Date: 7/15/2020

By lucyv17

I can’t totally recall but I remember that my friend Lilly came to visit for like a few hours from hood river, but literally like right as u showed up my school friends pulled up in a Jeep freaking out of some tiktok they HAD to make. And basically they made me hold all these random things with them while they filmed (idrk exactly what but I remember there was a lobster, and these giant sunglasses, and also this like holographic half dog half alligator thing). But anyway, ya they made me do this for a while and they asked if Lilly wanted to be in it, and I think u felt a little left out/weirded out, which tbh was a genuinely reasonable reaction, and basically passed. So they finally finished filming and drove off and they i was like oki now what, but you were like (in a weird, fake, kind of low quality acting tone of voice): ughfh, I cant believe u ditched me like that, I don’t have anymore time, my moms taking me home. And I was like oh ok bc u literally just got to portland like 10 min ago. So ya, Becky (her mom) drove up in this weird death looking limo and skirted off w u. And I was just kinda sadly moping back inside when my bf shows up and wants to do laundry w me. And so I was like ok, bc I’m literally so behind. Except we walk into the laundry room and it’s like a gym, except like really really small. Also there are washers and stuff but like idek it didn’t rly make any sense. So we started doing like lunges or something when all of a sudden I get a notification abt Lilly starting a live video on Instagram. So I hop on obv except it’s literally just her making pizza. Like she literally left like 3 min ago to go home and now I see her doing a whole ass fucking cooking show without me. Like literally in a full ass chefs outfit. And also it was like a bad green screen of Olive Garden in the background, which was just all kinds of weird and confusing. But ya so I’m like awk-ing in hate bc u literally left our hangout to go make and eat food and apparently stream it on ig. And also my bf said something like “wow I can’t believe she would betray your trust like that. I would never do that to u” but it was kinda dramatic kinda like a soap opera and then there was kind of this dramatic kissing scene and then the dream cut to the next day with like my sister and I. And there was definitely something after that with a talking deer that we met and jumped into this lake but honestly I don’t really remember that ending part like 100%. Ya it was kind of a rollercoaster.