Date: 3/27/2019
By SaltyNotSour
I can’t remember any dream I could have had, again :( I woke up to shower at 3. Like usual. I had the song Mei Mei in my head. Can’t remember anything:( I had a dream! I remember I had a dream about Monsters Inc. I dont recall much from that dream, but I know for sure it was about that. My second dream, me and my father kept trying to get into this restaurant? It was weird. They kept kicking us out, there were only accepting people that were sick. We ended up being able to cheat the system, and we got in. I remember I kept eating warm chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate. My mum snuck in. I also remember seeing two girls from any school working as “bus boys”. I remember feeling very full, but I kept eating anyways I remember a short dream about school. I was walking through a school highway, and then I ended up dropping and cracking my phone. I wasn’t freaking out for some reason. This all I remember