too much

Date: 8/30/2019

By sadiesanville

i had a hack for reality where i could continue to live life and past me could chill. basically there could be two of you. only thing is the old you catches up with the new you. i was sitting on my roof with some friends when i did the hack and i was like “haha i’m gonna take my senior pictures!” so i started to but past new never caught up. ever. she just chilled there. than, we had a scavenger hunt and i think i was the prize. no one finished it but there was this one contestant who stopped someone from winning who i hated. so later, the contestant started to make me uncomfortable. after that we went on a plane for a wedding and kaitlyn and i sat together and she got PISSED because Freddie Mercury propped his phone up using my shoe. than there was a fight behind us so we left. mirelle and i took goofy selfies. and that’s about it.