the adventures

Date: 12/22/2019

By juulianjuice

another odd dream. i was with a man who may have been kieran but he seemed different. older, looked different, something that made him not him. it seemed to be an apocalyptic type world where things were different. we were in a semi large white drugstore kind of building. in the back was a fire setup and a tent just in the back of the store. it was a real fire however. kierwn sat there and my dog was in the dream too. she followed me around freely in the this world as i wished she could in real life. i walked up to the counter to a younger man working the desk. he confirmed that we could stay in this area as we “rented” it or something for the night. he confirmed that we could do all things we would normally do such as “copulating”, though he used another word for this. it made me sigh in my head as that was something i didn’t want to do, and was holding i could get away from due to their being a rule we couldn’t. my moms best friend came into the pharmacy door in a rush. she told me to come with her. at the chance to leave the situation i gladys did. she took me through the woods to a lake with a smallish white boat sitting docked. we got on, but she seemed to vanish or change into my cousin jodi. my dog followed with me and came into the boat with me. my aunt eva and cousin martha was there. though my cousin martha seemed to be less mousy looking and she was taller and less thin. eva was driving and she took the boat into the lake. she began spinning the boat in circles over in over. chiki couldn’t stand and was sliding around and looked scared. i lunged to grab her and held onto her tight into my stomach so she wouldn’t be so afraid. my cousin jodi told eva to stop circling because she was scaring the dog. eva said no she’s fine looks she’s got her, referring to me grabbing my dog. this annoyed me slightly. it’s december right now but in the dream it was january yet it seemed to be a sunny summers day. she docked us by another edge of the lake. i was somehow talking to kieran as if i was texting him her i had no phone. he told me it was okay i left cuz him and some friends discovered a really cool rope bridge or something in the woods. i felt jealous for some reason. me and the people i was with got into the water. i slid in and chiki jumped after me. i said to them “wow! the water is so warm for january” it was warm it was warmer then what we get in the summers. i felt really shocked. she swam to shore where there was a small path. we began all walking through this path and i remember wanting time do a handstand on the root of a tree. we seemed to be heading towards kierans rope bridge or too another adventure. i was really excited to find out what but then i woke up.