Digital art, A person experiences sleep paralysis and feels like they are locked in a small cell, with pressure on their ears and teeth, and sees black, ovular shapes before finally breaking free.

Sleep paralysis- I rebuke this energy đź–•đź–•

Date: 5/18/2022

By naya

A woman was walking me somewhere. She wasn’t talking to me but I was just looking down and listening to her foot steps. She opens a door with a few locks and we walk into a small room. “Ok this is your cell” she tells me. I was shocked that I was an inmate and I “woke up.” I was on my left side but I kept hearing the noises from my dream. Foot steps, doors opening and closing, and background noises of people talking. I closed my eyes because I didn’t want to see anything. The pressure of my ear against the pillow was increasing and moving to the inside of my ear. Like someone was digging their finger in my ear. It was painful. I kept taking deep breaths. I suddenly felt heavy pressure on all my teeth. Like they were being pulled and pushed. And then, they started being pulled in circular directions. I kept getting shocked and thinking my shock was waking me up but no, it would get less intense and then more intense. I started hearing kids playing in a park setting kind of vibe. A little boy yells “Naya, look!!” I open my eyes for a split second and see a black large ovular shape very close to my right side in my peripheral. I close my eyes and I struggle to put two middle fingers up towards the little boy. But then it happens easily and I’m finally out of it. This was the longest sleep paralysis I had.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, it seems that you might be experiencing some feelings of imprisonment in your waking life. The woman who led you to the cell could represent a feeling of being controlled or trapped by someone, or something in your life. The pain in your ear and pressure on your teeth could be physical manifestations of these emotions. It's interesting to note that you closed your eyes because you didn't want to see anything, which could suggest a desire to avoid facing these feelings or situations in your waking life. The circular motions of your teeth being pulled in different directions might represent feeling caught in a cycle or pattern that you can't escape. The children playing in the park could symbolize a desire for freedom or a happier, carefree time in your life. The black ovular shape that you saw could represent some unknown or dark aspect of your subconscious that you are trying to confront or suppress. Overall, your dream seems to be reflecting some anxieties or stresses that are impacting your sense of freedom and autonomy in waking life. It could be helpful to explore these emotions further and see if there are any changes you can make to feel more in control and empowered.