aquatic mine

Date: 11/18/2021

By irateindian

so this dream was loosely based off of knuckles' aquatic mine from sonic adventure 2. i was in an amusement park, which was old and abandoned. all the rides had gone rusty and yellow and the place was flooded. it was weirdly still and peaceful, and even weirder was that it was daytime. there were no clouds at all either, it was super sunny, which is odd as most of my dreams take place at night or in darkness. i was there alone, and for some reason i was a sentient skull. i was trying to dive into the flooded part, which was pretty clear in the middle but had like grass and lillies around the edges. once i dove in it felt like i was controlling knuckles in sa2, in that i had to release a button to go down and press and hold it to go up. I was searching for something very specific (not the master emerald shards) but i cant recall what it was. every time i ran out of breath I'd have to hold down the jump button and surface, and whenever i was floating up the skull did that weird graceful flip knuckles does when he's underwater. eventually i found what i was looking for through the window of a flooded building, but there was what looked to be the skeleton of an ancient sea monster guarding it. the skeleton wasnt alive or malicious or anything, but it looked like it died guarding it by standing over the window and blocking it with its body while growling at some unseen foe. there were more skeletons around but this was the most important one as it was blocking my path. it was pretty deep underwater but still shallow enough that the light rays hit it. i (the skull) eventually managed to squeeze through the skeleton's gaps to get my prize. once i got it I woke up.