this was an awesome dreaming night!

Date: 12/2/2016

By Josh_Harley

Dream 1- this was the most vivid (real) dream I've ever had. It starts, I took LSD with my brother at my house, it was pretty late maybe around 8:00pm, and I saw my brother start drawing in the air, it was like rainbow colored pencil. So I did it too but it wasn’t that cool to me. Than I hear my dad drive up to the house and I run up stairs. On my way up the stairs I starts hallucinating and the lights are off so I start getting kinda scared and I remember my sister once telling me about bad trips. So I knew that I was having one. Even though I've never experienced acid before. When I got in my bed I started seeing a dog and a cat standing up on my bed. I close my eyes hard and open them awake in the same spot in my bed. Dream 2(lucid)- I was in a big library and all the students from my school were there. I was already lucid so I tried to make out with some girls but the first two girls rejected me and I forgot who they were but the third girl was a foreign exchange student who was really pretty and she rejected me at first too but than I whispered in her ear "it's ok I know you want to kiss me" and we made out for a couple seconds and it felt very real. Than my friend Arron came to me and said "josh you shouldn't be making out with all these girls" and I said "it's ok it's just a dream" Literally Everyone paused in the entire library and looked at me and he said "What?" Than I said "NO NO NO NEVER MIND ITS NOT A DREAM!" -- (last time I had a LD and I told them it was just a dream they all started shooting me with machine guns!)-- and there was a silence for a minute and he said "ok" and everybody kept doing there thing. So I said I need to go outside so I went outside and put my phone to me ear and I wanted to ask my subconscious some questions. So I said in my phone " how can I be more happy?" And a kind of robotic voice of a lady ( a little like Siri) said "you need to raft on a lake" and I said "really!?" That doesn't sound like something I would do... and she said "yes" sadly I forgot the one other question I asked. Than I felt myself beginning to move around in wake life and I told my phone I didn't want to wake up yet and I wasn't ready but she said " you must know when it is time to wake up.. I'll see you next time.." so I closed my eyes and opened them awake in my bed. Dream 3- THIS WAS THE DREAM OF ALL DREAMS!!! I was at Hogwarts! It kinda looked more like my school though.. The whole school was evacuating because dangerous wizards were invading. And one wizard came running up the stairs to me, Harry, Ron and Ms. Maganaghal. So I ran at him with my wand and I realized I don't remember many spells. He picked up his wand and I yelled "Expelliarmis!" And disarmed him a couple times than kicked him down the stairs. Ms.Maganaghal yelled for us to get out and Ron ran down the stairs and harry ran up to me and said very fast and quietly.."Josh I need to find the stone do you know anything about the stone!?" And I said "huh..?" He said "The sorcerers stone Joshua!!" And I paused and opened my eyes widely.. (I remembered that in the book it was in the basement!) we started walking very fast passed the professor and I said "it's ok harry and I just need to go get something" and we ran to a secret stair case and ran down a few flights of stairs , the whole time I'm thinking how awesome this is! Mind you, I was NOT lucid.. when we got down there we saw a shiny stone and Harry said "let's grab it togethaa!" And we did and I woke up!