Digital art, As they walk down a desolate street littered with debris, the wind picks up and multiple tornado funnels touch down around them, forcing them to run for their lives and take cover in a small cave on Hurricane Island.

Hurricane Island🌴🌪⛈🌊

Date: 4/24/2020

By ChefRiggs

This dream was a little hazy but really crazy. I was on an island for a job with some people I knew. When I arrived, there were roughly a hundred people in a large auditorium talking and laughing. I ran into a couple old friends that yell out my name but I take off because the crowd was a bit much for me. We were all brought there because of our skill sets. None of us knew what the job was or why we were there. Most of them seemed like they knew why they were chosen. But I felt like people didn’t want me around like they thought I wasn’t going to be of any use. I was walking along the beach at night trying to make sense of things and I notice how the stars are much brighter out than my home. I end up at some old diner near the edge of the island and see my friend Chris. We start talking about stuff and a guy comes up and picks a fight with me. Chris knows me better than anyone and knows what I’m capable of. He just sits and smiles while this guy runs his mouth at me. Finally the guy shoved me to the ground and Chris’ smile fades. I get up quickly and deck him in the face lol. He’s out cold on the ground and I realize he is my friend Daniel from St. Louis. Chris and I head out for a walk around the island to get away from people. We’re walking through old neighborhoods at night when the wind picks up. Leaves and debris start flying around and huge clouds cover the sky. The air cools down and the thunder booms so loud you can feel it inside your chest. I tell Chris we need to get out of there so we take off toward the auditorium where the rest of group is. We’re running down the street when several funnels start touching down around us. I realize this is really bad and we need to get to shelter ASAP. Slipping through mud and gravel we sprint between houses and streets to find out way back. But more tornados keep coming and houses are being torn apart. At this point the waves were crashing over the cliff side flooding the streets. With rain and mud in our faces we run as fast as we can but Chris is falling behind. A car speeds down the road past us being chased by a twister and slides off the cliff side. I stop Chris and tell him it’s too far and we’re lost. So we decide to head into the trees to find some where to lay low during the storm. Thankfully there was a small cave surrounded by tall palms that might keep us safe. When I wake up in the morning I walk out of the cave and see the island is bare. Everything was destroyed. Blown clean off the island. Lucky for me my skill set is survival lol. Then I wake up to knocking. I guess my roommate ordered pizza. What a wild dream!

AI generated interpretation It seems like your dream is focusing on a sense of not fitting in and feeling isolated within a group. The fact that you arrived on the island for a job with people you know, but still felt like an outsider, indicates a feeling of not being valued or appreciated in the environment around you. This could translate to your waking life, where you may feel like you don't belong in certain social or professional situations. The hurricane and tornados in your dream may represent a manifestation of your anxiety or stress. The feeling of being chased by the storms could indicate an underlying fear of failure or not being able to handle situations that are beyond your control. The fact that you and Chris navigate through the storm together could suggest that you have a supportive and trustworthy friend in your waking life who is willing to accompany you through tough times. The fact that the dream ends with a sense of relief in seeing that you have survived the disaster and your skill set is survival, could indicate a feeling of empowerment or self-assurance in your abilities. This may be a message from your subconscious, discussing your need to trust in your own abilities and strengths, even in times of chaos or uncertainty.