Bad times at grandmas

Date: 4/19/2022

By lauriemae

I was with my dad. Some other family (made up people in this dream, not anybody I actually know. 2 parents, 3 kids, one maybe 5 or 6 year old little boy and a boy and girl in their early 20s) and my grandma at my grandmas house. I was in the back yard and saw a huge alligator. (I live in WA state, no gators here lol) I ran across the yard and it chased me, so I ran to the driveway and it kept chasing, it was closing in, so I jumped into the bed of the truck, it tried to get me, but got its head stuck in the wheel well, but I was still trapped. Not sure how I got out of it, but i did. I was telling everyone to call someone to get this alligator out of the area since it was so aggressive. If it had been my grandma instead of me, she could have gotten attacked and the other family had a kid. Then we went for a motorcycle ride.. there were 4 or 5 of us with 2 mororcycles, so had to double and triple up. I was driving one and also trying to look up in my phone some sort of alligator catcher. After a bit, I decoded I should pull over to do this. So stopped at the nearby grocery store. The 2 other family with us (the 2 older children) were talking about their military jobs and they were like military DEA. When we were getting ready to head back I had to ride on the back with 2 others. I asked the DEA girl of she wanted the very back or if she wanted me on the back, she said me, then said she had seen my vape pen and cartridges and it would be easier to for me to ditch it if we were to get stopped, she couldn't be in trouble for something like that.. her brother,, the other DEA guy said something about seeing it too. They weren't going to bust me or anything, but then just looked at me like I was a bad drug addict or something. (It's totally legal where I live, but in the dream it was treated like I had Crack or heroin or something.....more about that soon) we finally make it back so I went inside and the adult men went to look for the alligator again. it chased one right up to the porch and I was standing in the doorway, so I ran Inside and it had gotten to the kid, I was too scared to look, but somehow they got the kid away with minimal injuries. I was so freaked out I thought some hits of my weed vape pen would calm me down. I went into my bedroom to sneak some hits and some neighborhood kids were playing in the yard and peeking in my window. The bathroom was occupied, so I went to the safeway next door to smoke it in the bathroom. As I was leaving (I still had the pen in my hand) the manager came up to me and told me to empty my pockets. I assumed she thought I was stealing, so I just kept walking out and tried to sneak it into the trash can, but it had just been emptied, so she pulled it right out. Then she searched me and found another that I had in me. I was begging her not to call the cops and told her I lived 6 hours away so had no way to get more and tried to make her feel bad, but she wasn't having it. I considered running, but didn't have anywhere to go since they, somehow, knew I was staying at my grandmas next door. Then I thought if I ran, they would go tell her and she was the last person I wanted to know that I was "on drugs" so I decided not to run. By now there are a bunch of employees standing around. I didn't want the cops going to tell my grandma so I was asking to let me call my dad. I was able to toss the cartridge I had on me so was very confident that she would look stupid when the cops came. I never called my dad, but he showed up. I whispered to him that I had nothing on me and not to worry. We start seeing the lights of the cops coming so another employee said to search me again and somehow I had another cartridge on me. Then my heart sank, I know I was going to get arrested for drugs in front of my dad, my family would find out, and they would think I was a terrible drug addict. That's about when I woke up.