Digital art, Generate an image of a pale, short goth girl with cool tattoos and dark makeup, wearing skimpy black streetwear style clothes and no cheesy black wig, providing a dance-like service in a bright and airy apartment or hotel common area with a large window behind a medium wood bench where three friends are sitting and chatting comfortably.

She’s Goth?

Date: 2/20/2023

By Xiileaf

Tom, Logen, and I were having out, much like we’ve aimed to (but haven’t done yet) in real life. We seemed to be at some sort of apartment or hotel—it was not a place I recognized. It was bright and airy, giving off dance studio vibes. The three of us were sitting on a medium wood bench that happened to have a nice large window behind it, like those window cubbies you see in New York apartments. I was on the left side of the bench, Logen was in the middle, and Tom was on the right. I was leaning my elbows on my knees as I sat so I could see the both of my friends. The light outside was pretty bright, being cloudy or sunny, not sure which anymore. We were just chatting while we seemed to be waiting for something. Regarding my previous dream (in the same night), I spoke of how I had witnessed my dad pulling Colin up off our couch by the hair. I was telling them how embarrassed I was if my dad’s actions. They agreed my dad should not have done that. After a bit of small talk, a pale, short goth girl, with just the right amount of body fat, walked out to the common area we were in. She was adorned in skimpy black streetwear style clothes and appeared to have a cheesy black wig on. She may have had a couple cool tattoos and some dark makeup, but I couldn’t remember. I didn’t recognize her, but I did know she was supposed to be there, so she was providing a service of sort. I don’t remember what she was doing there, maybe something dance-like, but I thought she looked awesome, minus the wig. Somehow the four of us got to talking about the girl, and we were joking all-too comfortably about kissing each other (or something). Basically, the girl was like, “Alright, bet,” so I looked at her in surprise and said, “Really?” She nodded, so I got up and approached her. I looked at Tom and Logen, partially asking if I should, because I didn’t know her and the three of us are friends who got each others’ back. The showed no reasons I should hesitate. I looked back at the girl. She was within my reach since we’re both short. That was nice. I leaned in, and so did she. Her lips were puckered out when you’re going to give someone a peck. I was under the impression that we were going to French, like what anyone would probably imagine. Or maybe she just didn’t know what I had meant. Either way, I wasn’t satisfied like I would have been if she knew what I wanted. Either way, we kissed. It was silly. I recoiled with a big smile on my face despite not getting exactly what I had thought. Boy did her body seem familiar. The girl said her goodbyes and exited the room to which one of my friends informed me who it was—another one of my classmates, Mackenzie. She definitely didn’t look like she usually did, and her skin tone wasn’t quite right. The black wig and other goth apparel had masked her identity from me. Somehow I was happier with the kiss knowing who it was from.

AI generated interpretation This dream may represent a desire to connect with someone on a deeper level and to explore new experiences. The appearance of the goth girl could symbolize the unfamiliarity of a new experience or the unknown. The atmosphere of the dream being light and airy may suggest that you are feeling optimistic about the potential for new experiences. The fact that the girl was a classmate of yours could represent the idea that these new experiences can come from people you already know and are comfortable with. The kiss, though not what you initially expected, could indicate that you are willing to take risks and explore new experiences, even if they don't turn out exactly as you had planned.