2 dreams where I almost died in one night

Date: 10/12/2019

By LdonnyH24

Dream 1: I was riding on a public bus. It was late at night and I was trying to get home. I could tell it was winter time because several people on the bus were wearing big coats. The bus was driving through the downtown area of Cincinnati, that's where I lived in the dream, though I've never lived in that part of Cincy in real life. I was minding my own business when I suddenly got a strange feeling that I was in danger and needed to get off the bus immediately. I yanked the chord and ran up to the front door of the bus. When the bus got to the next stop, the driver kept driving. I yelled for him to let me out. He slowed down a little and as soon as he stopped, I heard a loud gun shot. I busted through the door and started running in a zig-zaz motion as bullets were whizing past my head. One bullet grazed my shoe. I could tell the shots came from a sniper because they had an echo and seemed to be coming out of nowhere. Other passengers were fleeing and getting picked off. I changed direction and started running like I was in the Olympics. The shots started to sound farther away. The dream ended once I started to feel safe. Dream 2: It was my wedding night. Me and my wife were in a nice hotel with my mom and step-dad. She was slipping out of her dress and putting on regular clothes. I was loosening my tie and taking off my watch. There was a big 12ft window in our room. It was pitch black outside & we couldn't see anything out the window. We kept hearing scratching noises and faint grunts on the other side of our window. I called my mom and step dad in to show them. As we walked up to the window, a suspenseful feeling came over me and I sensed danger. Suddenly a creature that looked like a mix between a panther and a monster from stranger things busted through the window and charged at us. I yanked my wife and started running. We went down a fire escape and ran down the street. The creature wasn't chasing us, my fear was that it caught my mom and step dad. We went back to the hotel in the morning and saw police cars and fire trucks everywhere. It was like chaos outside oh, but we went inside and it was like business as usual. People were eating breakfast, Baristas were working at the Starbucks in the lobby, Nobody was shaken or panicked. We found my mom and stepdad; still in their dress and Tux from the wedding. My mom had a neck brace on and my stepdad was wearing an arm sling and his head was wrapped in gauze. They were just laughing and eating breakfast like everybody else. They told me that the thing attacked them, but they got away. I went to the front desk and demanded a refund for the night and a free drink from Starbucks. I was really angry and told them it was the least they could do for the "inconvenience".