Stuck in a School in the Middle East with Kevin Hart

Date: 8/22/2018

By 2Natblu

I was stuck and had to go to school in an extreme Islamic country somewhere in the Middle East without them figuring out that I'm Christian. There was a small group of us that went; slowly people in that group started dying. I noticed my childhood best friend in real life name Wilbert was there. I was wondering if I had something in my backpack that might expose that I'm a Christian; I worried that they might check my backpack and find something that maybe I forgot was in there that might expose me. The school was very strict and abusive; they made new students that they were suspicious about lay down in a desert like ditch; I was one of them and Kevin Hart was too. He was laying on the right side of me; we was all laying on our stomach side by side in a line with our hands on head. Apparently me and Kevin Hart was friends; this black woman started from my right side going down the line poking people with this giant needle trying to get them to confess or tell or to expose others. When she got to Kevin Hart I notice she was stabbing him a lot more than she did anybody else: she started stabbing me but I still didn't snitch nor say anything. I was bleeding from my shoulders and arms; I was pretty much damaged but I knew I was going to be ok. I was more concern about my friend Kevin Hart; when they finished torturing us I turned to Kevin and realized he was dead. I started crying and it was like I wasn't even worried about my wounds. My teacher who was overseeing all of this was a black woman with a red shirt. We went back to class and that teacher was very mean; I went too school walking on egg shells everyday. The school seemed militant; and nobody smiled. I remember regretting that I signed up for this; and wondering if I would survive. To my understanding I would only be there for a year and go back to the United States. It's only been a few days and I missed home. It seem like it was going to be a very long year. Could I go a whole year without being expose; I wanted to go home right away. I was suppose to be there ministering but I punked out. I woke up.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, you find yourself in a challenging situation where you are stuck in a school in an extreme Islamic country in the Middle East. This setting may symbolize feelings of unfamiliarity, cultural differences, and potential conflict between your own beliefs (being Christian) and the dominant religious beliefs surrounding you. The presence of your childhood best friend, Wilbert, suggests a longing for a sense of familiarity or support in this challenging environment. It may reflect a desire for companionship and someone to confide in during difficult times. The concern about something in your backpack exposing your Christian identity signifies a fear of being discovered or judged by others. This fear may stem from a belief that your religious beliefs could put you in danger or make you an outcast in this unfamiliar setting. The strict and abusive nature of the school represents feelings of oppression and pressure to conform to the expectations of others. The fact that new students suspected of hiding their true identity are placed in a desert-like ditch suggests a sense of isolation and vulnerability in this environment. The presence of Kevin Hart, a well-known comedian, may represent a need for humor or levity in difficult situations. However, his significance in the dream shifts as he becomes a victim of intense torture, possibly symbolizing the fear of what could happen if one's true identity is discovered. Your concern and grief for Kevin's death highlight a deep empathetic connection and a sense of loss for those affected by oppressive systems. Your teacher, a mean black woman wearing a red shirt, may embody authority figures in your life who are strict and unsupportive. This may represent the feeling of constantly walking on eggshells, as if any misstep could result in punishment or negative consequences. The desire to return home and regretting the decision to be in this situation suggests a longing for comfort, familiarity, and a sense of freedom. The questioning of your ability to survive the whole year indicates doubts about your resilience and strength to withstand the challenges you face. The conflict between your desire to minister in this environment but feeling overwhelmed and "punking out" demonstrates a struggle between personal aspirations and the weight of external pressures. Overall, this dream reflects feelings of vulnerability, fear, and a sense of being out of place in a challenging environment. It suggests a need for support, a longing for familiarity, and a conflict between personal desires and external expectations.