Monster/dinosaur attack

Date: 7/2/2020

By Alicem

Haha I had a really crazy dream that we were in some nature park thing in China/ Mexico . But we could see a downtown like vibe of China from where we were! Then all of a sudden I started seeing planes doing weird things in the sky and then a Godzilla looking monster thing floating around and another dinosaur looking monster and I asked mom if she saw them and she was like yah, don’t let others know. They will panic. But as she was saying that, they were getting closer and one of them already reached the city and you could see it destroying the weirdly shiny and colorful buildings and everyone started running away. We got in some weird car and started driving (mom was driving) and we were trying to escape and kept running over fences. But then the monster thing saw us and started coming after us and we were trying to escape in the car we had and some how we flew a little bit then the monster flew to come after us but it activated some weird jet thing in it and it jetted away hella mad that it couldn’t control its jet pack lol. Then we still were in the air and had to land, it was messy but we were fine. And there was these guys in yellow suites building us a new car with like a paper top. And then I discovered our names were buckle and backpack ha! It was sooooooo weird.