Booster shot dreams

Date: 2/21/2022

By man4paradigm

First I was interacting with the CGI Garfield from the movies, and he was being a total dickhead like worse than in the show from the 80s. He kept breaking shit and all kinds of intentional mischief. Second dream my boss was driving me somewhere to have an outing with our clients and his wife accidentally elbowed me in the nuts as we went around a sharp corner. Then he drove through 4ft of flood waters and we nearly got sucked into a lake. Then I was driving for work in my personal vehicle when I was sliding off a road in snowy conditions, and I thought I lost a red folder that had a clients information. So I get out of the Jeep, put my hazards on and it's freezing cold and I'm walking up and down this road looking for the folder and I give up. I get back in the Jeep and it's on my passenger seat 😂 Then I had a dream where my coworkers mom was eating with us and a bunch of clients and she was whispering something about me to an other staff and I called her out and she asked me directly and I was all oh, that wasn't about me at all.