Date: 8/8/2019
By kenzie666
so i was sent back to treatment and i snuck my juul in with me. i went to group and sat next to lexie and i noticed that she had a juul too. i wasn’t sure if we were allowed to have them or not so i kept mine hidden. the whole campus is getting ready for some kind of cookout so i go help out. i have to pee and this guy tells me i can go in the camper and use the bathroom. so i go into the bathroom and i close the door but to my left there is just a big window. everyone who is sitting in the little kitchen can see me. one of my friends comes in and he’s like “see guys i told you that she’d be in the bathroom”. so they all stand there and watch me. these two old ladies come into the kitchen and sit. i didn’t notice them at first. i took a hit of my juul and one of the ladies yells “where did you get that cigarette!” i was like what cigarette. she kept asking me and the window thing disappeared and i gleeked on her from across the room and she was absolutely mortified so i kept gleeking on her ugly old face.