Date: 7/2/2022
By natassja666
In my dream I was still friends with one of my best friends from childhood Emma and she hadn’t changed much at lol. It was sort of a cross between her and my new friend El. I was hurt because I found out they were in Moncton but didn’t tell me or come see me. They came out visited me the next time to make up for it, and I ended up bringing them to class with me thinking that they could just casually sit in and pick up a few things. (Because it’s not like you have to pay thousands of dollars to go to college, right? Lol) there was another teacher who came in to talk and was clearly upset that I had someone in with me, and also kept getting angry at me for being unable to stay still. I think in another dream I was dating some hot vampire or dark magician guy or something. And I also have a random memory of Braden asking me to check if he had a concussion and expecting me to know exactly how to do it, but I had to look it up and he was low key shaming me. I was really embarrassed but irl I don’t think that’s something we’ve learned specifically yet at all.