At the Water Park with Siblings, Tesla Car Test Drive, & The Angry Little Man

Date: 11/18/2018

By fluffytree

Dreamt I was at some water park with my mom and siblings having fun although I remember not having as much fun as I wanted to because I was rather distracted by some worry I can't quite remember. It may have been more of an idea of a worry rather than an actual one, or maybe something from reality that I was only able to vaguely recall in the dream world. My brother and sister were younger than they are now and looked about 15, which would put me back in time about a decade. I got into the pool twice but again couldn't enjoy it for long and only would stay in for a little while. My sister had some water sports tournament coming up she'd entered and my mom had to leave soon and so she needed me to stay and watch her as well as my brother. But before then we all randomly began wandering around the nearby streets. We ran into Elon Musk who was supervising a live test drive of one of his latest Tesla cars. It was beautiful and red and of course went very fast. I didn't even want to imagine the price tag on such a vehicle. I tried to imagine it, but my thoughts would only read, "WILL NEVER AFFORD" in my mind. The guy driving had some really sleek looking sunglasses on that he may have dropped cos I remember picking them up and thinking how stupid he has to be to leave behind these obviously expensive glasses. I didnt know the price but $250 seemed about right. They were made by Tesla too and felt like the premium sportscar of sunglasses honestly. The material felt like very high grade plastic and quite light, but at the same time I feel like if I dropped these more than once they would shatter and that'd be the end of that. The test concluded and I gave back the sunglasses to Musk who said something about if I liked the car. Of course I said yes but there's no way I could afford it. He smiled and said, "Start saving up. It's worth it trust me." I said okay and slightly smiled back fully not intending to listen to him at all. About the only thing I could afford right now were those sunglasses. I kept walking around alone as my siblings must've went back to the water park. Along the way I ran into some guy who was having some trouble fixing up a broken down Caterpillar excavator vehicle. He was also being pestered by an angry little person and I couldn't help but laugh inside at how ridiculous the whole situation seemed. I didn't stick around long and decided I should probably head back to the water park to keep an eye on my siblings. Just as I was getting back I heard a my sister's name being called over the loudspeakers about her waterwhips having just arrived. I was about to head to the main office to pick up said items but instead my mind skipped all the busy work and I had a pink and orange set of rubber whips which I imagine were also used for jumping rope too. When I arrived poolside I was just in time to hand them to my sister right before the tournament began. I hope she'd win but I doubt she would given there were other girls here who I'm sure had been training all year while she had just joined today for fun. I noticed my mom and brother sitting nearby too and was surprised to see my mom. I guess she either finished those errands she had wanted to do or didn't go do them at all. My brother looked more like his actual age now too but my sister still stayed a decade younger. I decided to find a seat and watch the remainder but initially had a hard time finding a free chair. Eventually 3 people nearby got up and left and then I realized most people on this side had done the same and now there were plenty of free chairs. I woke up shortly after I sat down too.