Date: 5/22/2018
By Nuclear
I barely remember how things connect, this dream was so scattered and didn't make sense; Started with me in my living room, watching a disturbing video I've been sent, it was supposed to be a music video... But the music part was just a disguise for what it really was... Satanic looking g rituals were displayed along with really sexual content.. At various instances a face kept appearing, it was a simple yet scary face, molten into a stone... It really gave a demonic vibe, it wasn't just an innocent mask. A scene later I'm at one of the places from the video, underground in some cave, the solid rock floor below me is cracked and even separated at some places, the only light comes from the lava from underneath it! There, I was stepping downhil to get closer to what I thought is the exit.. I was in a panic, very scared and wanted to get out fast.. After taking my first step down a rock I look at my shoes and beside them, that same demonic face engraved into the stone.. It wasn't there a moment ago. Lava started to rise and rock diverged and broke apart.. Something was coming at me but I can't remember what or where or who... After that I was back at my living room, watching the same video on that futuristic looking panel... My dad comes near me and tries to take a look at it, I immediately thought ll him that he should just turn it off and stop watching... It was very disturbing, I also felt uncomfortable because of the sexual content that went along these weird rituals... Woke up.