Digital art, Generate an image of someone driving a sleek, deep purple sports car in manual mode, chasing another person on a busy street while the car is parked inside a train with big boxes to sit on, and later beating someone up in an office with a long, lightweight but durable sheet of metal with holes in it.


Date: 4/16/2018

By Justinecg_

Ok so I started off in some some of fancy restaurant and someone was trying to fight me. So I put her in an arm bar and was like I’m going to break your arm and she was like no please but I REALLY wanted to. I remember lucidily thinking break her arm so you know what’s it’s like, but I let her go and she ran off. Then we needed to chase someone so we went outside to steal a car. Since it was a fancy part of town there were nice cars. So I stole this like sleek, deep purple sports car. Dark windows and black interior leather, it was so badass. It was a stick shift but it also had the option to be put into automatic. So we stole this car and started chasing this person and this car was so nice and we were going like a 100mph on these streets chasing this girl, I was driving while in manual mode and the seat was like super hard to adjust because I either couldn’t see out the windshield or I couldn’t reach the pedals. Then we needed to board this train to go somewhere so I pulled this nice ass car into the train and they parked it in there so we could go to the passenger cart. Once here we sat towards the front but there were no seats it was like big boxes to sit on. Then the girl we were chasing comes in and it was Sarah Sanders idk why. She didn’t notice us at first we we tried to stay blended in but eventually she noticed us and started to glare. But then a man came in and was like “we have some really nice cars on this train” and he listed the top 3 and he was like but the best one by far is the “””” (idk the name) and I was like SWEET that’s my car! Even though we stole it so it wasn’t our car. Then we had to go meet someone in order to get passage into the next place. They made us change out of our clothes into a nightgown. I distinctly remember taking off the fancy watch that came with the car to put in the one I have now just in case where I went took out anything electric. I was also wearing my cream converse but the holes were black. So I took off my shoes and then followed the man into a hallway that led to the woman who was in charge. Then I walked into her office and we started to fight. I was losing until I picked up this long, lightweight but durable sheet of metal with holes in it. I beat the crap out of her with that and then smacked her across the face which knocked her out. Then I ran back to go tell my friends it was a trap.