Date: 12/5/2018
By Onii
This one will be short because I’m trying to remember it now and only two things remain. I know I stumbled across a package that I identified as rose quartz despite its taffy like appearance. In my dream rq was the most valuable crystal or whatever on the market, and so I quickly stashed it in my bag. Fast forward I’m having lunch at a diner with my best friend, we’ll say Amy, and my “fuck buddy”—we’ll call him Kyle. Amy is reading off headlines about the new rage of rose quartz. Apparently many people have reported finding the jewel all across town and turned it in. The police were awarding those who came forward with their find. Kyle leans back into the booth and is like “the real winner of this thing is the one who has the 5-pound ‘taffy’.” And I’m like explain please. So he goes on about this story of how this rich protégée had her rose quartz stolen while traveling to the states, and was offering a much bigger amount if it was returned. For whatever reason, I didn’t tell them I could possibly have the rose quartz the girl was missing. And then I woke up.