Digital art, As Julio nervously entertains the kids at his wife's fundraising luncheon, he can't shake the feeling of being chased by a 6ft tall robot - a friendly encounter turned dangerous.

Chased by a robot.

Date: 1/24/2020

By iamMartinez!

Simple dream. I get home at night I’m walking by my driveway past a tall white thing and it starts to move. I curiously walk up to it and then away and it follows me. I walk up to it again and notice it’s a simple looking 6ft tall robot on wheels. I’m 6ft myself so we ca see eye to eye and at first it’s so friendly and innocent looking. It gets very close to my face and it’s scanning me with the same curiosity. And just like that something happens. It goes on alert and it’s face changes. It grabs me and pulls me toward it asking questions of who I am. I say to it that I live here , I’m Julio, this is my car and this is my house. It wasn’t buying it so I tried to break loose to remove my hat and dark shades so that it can take a better look at my face but I couldn’t cause it was too strong. Then I started to get really angry and I just shoved it away and punched it. Didn’t do anything but made it angrier so I ran out into the street and it chased after me. I looked back and saw it so I ran across the street hoping it would get ran over by a car but it occurred to me this thing isn’t that stupid, surely it knows to look out for traffic. About 2 city blocks later it was still after me and I spotted what I though was a police car and I ran after it just to find it was a taxi cab painted in the wrong colors 😡. I made a few random turns here and there till I had lost it and went back home like nothing happened. Wife and her friends arrived shortly after. They were setting up for a fundraising luncheon and I discretely mentioned it to her but I didn’t want to alarm everyone. A lot of kids started showing up and like always I take it to myself to entertain them but at the same time I was nervously looking over my shoulder looking out for the damn thing.

AI generated interpretation In your dream, you are being chased by a robot, which could signify a fear or anxiety of technology or automation in your life. It appears friendly at first, but quickly turns aggressive and invasive. This could suggest that you are comfortable with some aspects of technology, but fear its ability to invade and control your personal space. The robot's interrogation and refusal to believe your answers could indicate a lack of trust in your own identity or a feeling of being misunderstood by those around you. The inability to remove your hat and sunglasses suggests a desire to be seen and understood for who you truly are, but feeling unable to communicate that. Your anger and attempt to physically fight the robot could represent a desire to assert your own autonomy and push back against feeling helpless or controlled by external forces. The chase and attempts to escape could indicate a general feeling of being chased or pursued by some aspect of your life which you perceive to be threatening. The arrival of your wife and friends setting up for a fundraising luncheon could suggest a need to balance personal concerns with social obligations. However, still feeling nervous and looking over your shoulder for the robot suggests that you may still be preoccupied or haunted by this fear or anxiety, even when surrounded by others or engaging in social activities. Overall, your dream highlights a fear or anxiety around technology and a desire for personal autonomy and understanding. It may be helpful to reflect on these themes and explore ways to address any related concerns in your waking life.