Date: 12/28/2024
By SagittariusDreamer
I was working closing shift with my other keyholder. It took a while because we were looking at absolutely everything in the store to make sure that we were fine. Soon I was at home, and the assistant store manager was sitting on my couch. He was waiting for something in order to go home, but I was happy to have him over. I figured I should probably cook something, but realized I already cooked my alfredo a few days ago and didn't have anything else. So I figured I'd order a pizza from Little Ceasars. He got excited about the cheesy bread and I considered buying some for him since Little Ceasars is pretty cheap. I ended up in a car with my cousin and her mom, and we really had to pee. We stopped at a corner store to go there, but it was already locked shut for the night, so the next option was near her house. I don't know why we didn't just go to her mom's house, but we ended up going to our other aunts (they're sisters) house next door. There was a man already knocking on her door repeatedly and pretty softly, and I wondered who he was but didn't ask because I was trying to figure out whose house we should go to to pee. While we waited, this extremely cute kitten came onto the porch. It was grey and feisty, swiping at us and being a little menace. I told my aunt to try and keep the door closed while she knocked because aunt Wendy didn't like cats and the cat would get in her house. But they just picked her up instead and held her until the door was finally opened. For some reason, I sat in the basement while I waited for my cousin to get done using the bathroom. She took a long time, and I don't remember what all I did. I think I watched and got physically immersed in it for a little bit. I just remember I was making resin keychains, and some girl was starting to make takoyaki, so I started trying to help with that. I definitely didn't put in enough batter, so it came out wonky. Then I guess these two people, a guy and a girl with some relation to her (I think it was her sister), came in and was super nice, then the guy was gonna somewhat bully takoyaki girl by telling her that her sister was pregnant and getting her all excited to tears. The sister laughed and said he shouldn't do that. My cousin ended up coming down to the basement while I finished working on the keychain. It wasn't done yet, and I was coloring on a piece of paper to try and figure out what to do with it next. I guess I was going to make trees or clouds coming out of it. When we left, I was right back at work answering questions. I was practically going back and forth between customers and answering all of their questions before I woke myself up and begged myself to please have a break from work.