Date: 9/2/2019
By oscarnyc
I dreamt I was on a rollercoaster that went through the woods. At some point the rollercoaster just disappeared and I saw myself in the woods. I remember I was on some sort of family vacation with my mom brother aunt and uncle. I saw myself running down a path in the woods barefoot and saw a cat in the grass. Then I saw myself back at the start of the path repeating the same process of running really fast barefoot. At the start of the path there was a wooden sign, but I don’t remember what it said. After a few more times of repeating the fast running I saw another cat, it was orange in color, sort of like a tabby. At this point I realized I was dreaming, because everything kept repeating. I told myself to stay calm as this was my first lucid dream. I said to myself “I’m dreaming,” and suddenly the woods became like an old town village, sort of like a scene from an old cowboy movie where theres tumbleweeds rolling around and the doors to stores and shops are low hanging double doors that creak. Still lucid, my first lucid action was flying. I put my hands to my hips and burst into the air. I flew for a while fine, but after a few seconds I began to have some difficulty. It began to feel like trying to go into restricted areas in Critical Ops, like wanting to go in the river in Canals, or behind CT spawn in Plaza. I began to feel “turbulences” and tried flying towards a 2-3 story building and held on the ledge. The ledge was bumpy and raspy, it felt like the ceiling of an old building with a paint pattern. I made it to the roof safely, but realized there was some sort of mattress on the rooftop, like a bed. I guess I was tired in the dream because I lied down and closed my eyes and told myself it would just be “for a second.” At this point I began to lose lucidity because as soon as I closed my eyes in the dream and wanted to open them again, I woke up in real life. As far as I can recall, after achieving lucidity there was no one else in my dream, the town seemed abandoned and I saw no other characters. This was my first lucid dream and I experienced it after falling asleep late at night, at around 4 AM, and I woke up from my sleep directly after this lucid dream at around 11 AM. The lucidity felt short, I would suppose it only lasted for about 3 minutes in “dream time.” - Sep 2nd, 2019.