Date: 8/1/2020
By ladydmj
I was walking through towns & we went through a hair dressers. I booked a last minute appointment & as she was cutting my hair she sliced right through my cheek & there was blood everywhere. Next I was staying in someone’s house & wasn’t very welcome. Then I was with my family & we were playing with a black kitten & some ducks! Then this huge navy ship came around & was trying to recruit ordinary people right then & there, from the town & who were sunbathing by the lake. So many of them joined up, as the guy on a loud speaker sold it to them as some kind of adventure. I was sitting below the ship & looked in amazement.. a guy asked me why I didn’t join & I told him I nearly did when I was younger & that I’d been in sea cadets.. but then I had a vision of this sunny scene & excited faces, turning in to a tangled mess as these ordinary people faced the reality of war & I just felt so sorry & helpless that they were putting themselves in that position. Willingly.. Next I was on a motor bike & doing some work, but I cut a pipe & as I was squeezing the breaks, realised that I must have cut the break fluid.. I tested the breaks until they didn’t work & I couldn’t go anywhere.