When you give an Eagle a Lemon...

Date: 5/11/2020

By montyroz

First I was in a huge Ranch-99 type Asian superstore. I was walking around looking at all the cool stuff they had. Food, housewares, kitchen goods, even some clothes and accessories. At some point I left the store and was outside strolling down the sidewalk with Sho and Julia. It was summer and all of the nearby trees were lemon trees that were heavy with lemons. We picked them as we trotted along, trying to find the perfect one. At some point Sho and Julia rounded a corner heading home and I was left alone, where I kicked an old lemon towards a large unidentified bird. I looked closer at the bird while it picked at the flesh of the lemon. Blackish brown back, large muscular feet, white head... A bald eagle! The eagle picked up the lemon and flew away.