Ghost in my room 👻

Date: 4/11/2023

By Athul_Manikantan

Its 3:30 in the morning. I just woke up from a nightmare and can't sleep again. I was at some festival or event with my family somewhere. I moved away from the crowd to somewhere out in the nature to take a leak. On the way back someone grabbed my shirt. But I could see nobody. But somebody was holding it so tight that I can't move. I got frightened and struggled to run away. In the middle of the struggle, I woke up and found myself on my bed. No lights in the room but I could see shadows. And all of a sudden, someone lying next to me asked 'what happened then? Did you run away?'. It chilled my spine to find a shadow lying next to me in a dark room talking to me. It felt so real as I was seeing my own bedroom. I told myself silently to be brave. I didn't look again at the shadow and tried to get up. Then I saw a few more shadows flying above my head. I totally lost it there and freaked out. But no voice came out of my mouth. I tried to jump out of the bed and then I woke up - this time for real (hopefully).