Date: 10/28/2018
By Moonstar
I was with Luis, a boyfriend I had a millennium ago and never think about. We were having a mild argument about something he was working on having to do with a car and he hammered a nail through his thumb. I told him we had to go to the Tower of London so that he could have it extracted. He was in no distress and did not really want to go but he gave in and we found ourselves at The Tower. It looked like a busy city in there with people walking this way and that and doing things. We sat on a wooden bench outside what appeared to be some sort of toll booth. There was a middle age man inside, wearing and apron and filling papers. I saw several dogs coming and immediately went to pet them and the man called out to me....apparently they were not to be touched even though they looked friendly. The man called Luis in to extract the nail and soon as he went into the toll booth I left. I crawled under a barbed wire fence and there were three guys waiting for me. The were wearing jeans and leather and had long hair and beards. They had a car and a Harley. The guy with the Harley smiled...his smiled was beautiful. He said: My Lady, you are going on the bike with me.... I was not afraid or excited. I seemed to know these guys and to feel very comfortable while at the same time knowing that they were dangerous...I was happy to leave Luis and his nail behind. Before I got a chance to get on the Harley, I woke up. #Harley #tower #nail # Luisito I