Mom giving birth and go-karts

Date: 11/25/2021

By evp722

In the first part of my dream, I was at some event with school friends. I’m not sure of the purpose of the event. We assembled and ate hamburgers. I remember being confused as to how the hamburgers worked, and confused them for chicken sandwiches at first. I was also on my period in the dream, and blood got all over my shorts. I was wearing my PINK brand shorts. My friend saw it and looked at my sympathetically. Somehow, I suddenly went to my house and picked out my chunky pink colored shorts that I don’t like. Then, that part ended and my mom gave birth at some point (the actual birth wasn’t in the dream). Except we never saw the baby and she didn’t take it with her. We were all so casual about it, especially her. She didn’t seem to care that she just had a child. The dream picked up when we were walking in a grass field towards a go-kart place, including my mom. We were looking at different go-kart places and trying to decide on the best one. We never actually went on them, though.