Losing my girlfriend and reuniting

Date: 7/25/2016

By Convitz1234

I was in a big line at my old high school. I knew that we had all just gotten off of planes and we're here for something important in the cafeteria. I was with Megan (my girlfriend) and some of her friends. All of the sudden I go over to an old high school acquaintance Liam and begin confessing my love for him (I'm not gay in any way and begin to find this very very odd since I'm not sexually attracted to this guy in at all). He's flattered and seems immensely happy about this. I immediately regret it and try looking for Megan, but I can't see her anywhere. The art teacher me Brandau takes his class away from the line and says "this way is quicker!" Suddenly the line is more of a giant mob of people. I start running around the mob looking for her. I run to the middle of the court yard in front of the cafeteria. A gray Porsche rolls up with two gawky teenagers inside of it and everyone runs over to look at it. Then, suddenly I'm in my class and Megan's not there. I can only imagine how she's feeling after I said all those things to Liam right in front of her then left her alone. The teacher of this class was Jeremy Jamm from parks and rec (at this point I should've gone lucid due to this absurd situation) he was teaching a very strange class that seems impossible to classify now, but the first lesson involved this strange piece of wooden scaffolding...? It was a bunch of wooden sticks held together by thick rubber bands and students were striking the bands with wooden hammers and calculating results. I was completely lost, I hadn't payed attention to jams instructions for this weird lesson, I was only thinking about Megan and where to find her. I was looking out the windows, but to no avail. Then came a part in the class where we had to craft our own guitar out of wood paper and strings that looked as though they were made of yarn. He said now time to craft the niftiest guitar you've ever seen. And a student said far from it when he say the ukulele type cheap guitar with purple boarders and yarn strings Jeremy Jamm was holding. Everyone had supplies for the project except for me. He said aww this happens sometimes, he take this. It was an envelope that said Micheal on it. My names not Michael. With this I give up on the class and leave in search of Megan. I run about the campus then decide to leave. I came upon a wooded park with lots of hills. It was dark and lit with amber light from black lamp posts like from Narnia. Below me were tennis courts and up on a hill was Megan coming out of a restaurant. She was crying but generally just glad to see me. I consoled her and told her the Liam thing was a mistake. She told me that she got lost and had her fingers smashed in a window sill somehow. As I tell her that I love her Liam is there for some reason looking disappointed. We went off in each others arms