Those bastards shortened my summer

Date: 1/5/2018

By ispeakofdreams

Okay so when I was in grade 12 my school board went on strike for 6 weeks. By the time school started again we didn't have time to write exams so we just kept whatever grades we already had, which was awesome, and my grade graduated on time. I dreamed that it turns out we never legitimately graduated and had to redo grade 12. Instead of going back to my old high school (I am in third year at university now) though, we went back to my grade 8 classroom in my tiny hometown school. The school isn't even there anymore in real life, but in my dream it was exactly the same from my childhood. Everyone from my elementary grade was there. We all hung up our bags and coats outside the classroom on the hooks, and I was really pissed off. I didn't want to redo grade 12. I threw a sort of temper tantrum while hanging up my coat lmao. My best friend Alysa was like why are you so mad?? For some reason I had two backpacks and they were both filled with books and paper and shit. I brought my laptop into the classroom, and it felt so weird because in grade 8 none of us had laptops. It was my old teacher from grade 8 too, and the classroom was exactly the same. It was so weird. Good old Mr. Summerhayes. He was trying to teach us something but I had forgotten how high school kids learned. Do they take notes? I don't remember taking notes in high school... is that weird? Someone please answer Anyways, my dream spanned a few days I think, because we all had this assignment that was due by the end of the week. It was super easy but I didn't feel like doing it, then I forgot about it and missed the deadline. The teacher gave me some extra time but then I was so mad about being back in grade 12 that I just refused to do it and took a zero lol. At one point I remember longboarding to school with a bunch of people (friends?) that I don't know. My longboard kept changing into a skateboard and I kept falling and scraping up my legs. It didn't hurt though. The last thing I remember was walking up the stairs to our classroom and suddenly realizing that high school goes all the way to June. I was so so mad. Alysa was like "yea, now we only have a two month summer" and I was like "those bastards". I was utterly relieved when I woke up and remembered that I really did graduate high school. Thank God.