Date: 3/20/2018
By dazednconfusd
Was with Stephan as he showed me his job with Northwestern - we met with a board on houses/development and there was a strong feeling of elitism. We walked out and I looked back as if we had destroyed their house/office to fight for the people of the neighborhood. They fought back by hiring new construction and putting out fake commercials. I felt like it was unfair and tough for the average joe to stay away from this scam. Earlier I was able to fly with this weird steering wheel/foldable Walkman/radio type contraption. I was in a house in a loft above someone’s living room and politely asked them to move their bong so my room wouldn’t knock it over when I “blasted off”. I flew slowly out the door and it felt like I had done this several times throughout the night. Had another nsfw dream but it is slowly fading -