
Date: 8/14/2016

By Carolina

I was in a big crowded desert with a lot of people in a place that felt like a cult. it seemed like a very controlling environment like we only had one flavor of food. I was primarily around a man woman, 13 year old child and a baby. I didn't know exactly how I fit into it but I often felt guilty for the mans presence. there was water all over the floor and I blamed him. and then there was wet clay all over and I felt he was to blame too. the older woman seemed to be angry at him but he kept saying she was crazy. sometimes her hair was in high pony tail braids and would poof up or change colors. I kept trying to tell people I didn't trust him but I felt paranoid like I didn't want him to overhear me. everyone seemed to think he was a famous art collector. I was chased by naked men and woman who came out of nowhere with a zombie quality. I took care of the baby who made sounds and laughed. the 13 year old girl got pregnant and everyone started crying but we didn't know what to do. I kept thinking I should do something but felt too afraid. everyone in the crowded desert starting running together in two directions. I thought they might be running for their lives and didn't know what direction I should go. when we stopped running I asked one of the girls what we were running for. she said "the desertees" and then I woke up