Kids Brake my Stuff

Date: 1/9/2018

By lucid14

I walk into my moms house basement and see my amp is moved out of. It’s place and up against the bathroom. There are lots of kids running around playing and showing no respect at all for my music Gear. The kids might be my brothers friends and some of their younger brothers. There were something like 5 kids running around. The amp that was moved looks like it was covered in brown dirt and clearly damaged. The kids start telling me that it’s definitely broken. One kid follows me over to the amp and I try to explain to him that it’s mine that I bought with my own money. I say “How much do you think that was?” He says, “$30,000” I said, “that’s the price of a car, this was a couple hundred dollars and you broke it.” I also told him he’s going to have to pay for it. I’m really angry at this point. I run upstairs and burst into my living room where all of the parents including my mom were hanging out and watching tv. They might have had wine. I start yelling and angrily explaining what happened demanding that someone needs to pay for my amp that they broke. My mom doesn’t seem to think that it’s a big deal and overall the parents don’t seem to get my point. I go back down to the basement to plug in the amp to confirm that it doesn’t work and my brother starts to try to defend his friend. The kids are gone from the basement at this point and it’s just me and my brother. He says, “maybe you should have locked it up.” I scream so loud that my voice gets high pitched, “But it’s my fucking house!” And he smiles in a “it’s not that big of a deal” way and says , “Yeah” I start to mess with the wires to plug in the amp. I open up the bathroom door and pull out a piece of glass from this old white ceramic basin that might have been a tub at one point. The glass has to be reattached to the amp but it is pretty wet and beat up. I then grab the power cord for the amp and plug it into the wall carefully because I was expecting to get shocked. I didn’t get shocked but there was a loud electrical sounding noise from the circuit breaker and I looked at max and said, “I knew that was gunna happen.” I hoped that the power went off in the living room where all the moms were hanging out. I fiddled with the wires some more. As I was about to plug the last one in to see if it would work something whispered, “Hi” into my ear and jolted my out of bed irl.