Dragon Star LUCID

Date: 1/14/2019

By DreamingDragon

WOW! What a dream this was! I am amazed that I forgot this dream until now. It leads me to wonder... Have I been lucid dreaming for years? And I just don’t remember when I wake up? This dream is long and has a developed narrative, though I can only remember a few major parts. It is nighttime. I walk out of a house and look up and out at the dark blue-black sky, and see a star begin to fall. I immediately realize it is special. It gets bigger and glowing, leaving a bubbly sparkling trail as it slowly arcs down beyond the dark forest in front of me. At this point I think I know I am dreaming. Usually I wake up very soon after becoming lucid because I get so excited, but THIS time, it felt so natural! As if I simply accepted that, even though this is a ‘dream’, it is as real as any other experience, and so I was able to feel totally present in this reality. I look up into the sky, crouch down, and then jump, knowing that I can fly. And I do! I gracefully take off into the night sky, cool air blowing past me. It’s more like I made a big jump actually, arcing over the trees and landing on the grassy hill where the star fell. I find it. What is it? A tiny, soft, kiwi-peach-fuzzy egg... and it’s moving! And glowing! I pick it up, and soon, out from this little egg squirms a very tiny dragon. Later on I am awake (still dreaming) and explaining this dream to friends. The environment is the same, and the dragon might still be with me.