The dream world

Date: 8/27/2017

By PeytonsWorld

So I I was at home I was making myself eggs and bacon when I went up to my room there was a portal to like this dream world there was wind when I looked at the portal wind blowed it pulled me in then I was outside my house I was with some one a girl she looked like my friend Aubrey I asked her what her name was she said Aubrey then she said my name but I didn't even tell her my name and she said hi then I said hi then she new what to do to get inside to this big place but I didn't know how to play the dream I didn't know how to do stuff in the dream so then we were at a learning schooll after that I know what to do but after Aubrey was gone then I was by myself then Aubrey came back with our friend jaxson he was our trainer then I blushed at him then I said hi then he said hi then we both blushed at each other then Aubrey said stop love birds then we said we are not love birds at the same time I said we're are we going jaxson then jaxson said skull island then Aubrey said let's go now I'm excited let's go let's go now I said gosh your like a three year old Aubrey then Aubrey said ok ok ok I'll stop gosh you don't haft to be rude Peyton then I said would you stop Aubrey then jaxson said ok now guys stop fighting we need to hurry or we would be late ok,jaxson i said /thank you for reading today was chapter one tomorrow is chapter two