Military equipment

Date: 7/17/2021


Dreamt that I was involved with a team of people that included Timbaland to save a bunch of trafficked children. We got them out and I had a map of the whole area. Dream #2 I saw all this new military equipment. I saw a copter that transferred into a sub and took off under water. A saw another plane separate from each other and become two. I saw what looked like a huge old style fighter plane that had a bunch of smaller planes sitting on the wings and they looked like bees when they broke off from the plane. Dream #3 This dream I was in a house that had glass ceiling and roof and I’m looking up and I see a copter zooming around and all of a sudden it stops and starts shooting these lighted disks towards me. I just stand there and I put my hand out and the disks just go through my hand. I kind of laugh and I hear a voice that tells a joke and tells me about the disk flying at me.