Date: 9/27/2018
By chronicsleepwalker
I was closing at work and right before i clocked out my coworker will jumped to reach something and a metal pole impaled straight through his shoulder... i took him to my house and laid him on the floor since he said he didn’t want to go to the doctor. he stopped breathing so a coworker who also came to my house performed cpr... i kept asking to call 911 for an ambulance because he was in such bad condition (he acted like he was on LSD) but he kept saying no. the next morning he asked for something sweet and i forgot exactly what i gave him but he dumped it in the toilet he just took a shit in, mixed it around and started chowing down... i took him to chick-fil-a and i finally called the ambulance because he was really scaring me at this point and the pole was still in his shoulder.... his parents came and they said i had to pay for the ambulance... i had a different dream where i went to get something i left from my neighbors house (which i never been to ???) and i just walked in without knocking and they were freaked the fuck out but then they gave me a house tour and i bonded w/ them and their kids. i left their house, got on the highway, and had to take a u-turn twice b/c i left something at their house and almost got hit by the traffic both times.