Digital art, As the protagonist steps outside to contemplate leaving, they spot Rick splitting wood and approach him to offer help, only to be met with a chilly demeanor; however, as they embark on a search for a Mr. Clean Magic Erase marker, they run into Candace who notices their impending cold and presents them with a peculiar remedy - a hollowed-out peanut butter-filled egg and a bottle of NyQuil, claiming it will help them and someone else.


Date: 12/8/2020

By Hikertrash48

I think I was supposed to be at my mom’s house. They left for one reason or another. I walked into another room and noticed Elle, so of course I knelt down to play with her a second. I step outside to look around and figure out if I want to leave. I noticed Rick was splitting wood. I walk over to ask if he needed help. His demeanor was rather cold. It wasn’t like intentional like I don’t want anything to do with you, but maybe just annoyance. He mentions he’d like a mr. clean magic erase marker to try and get something off of one surface or another. I run in and start looking for one and can’t find it. About that time I run into Candace, who notices I have a cold coming on. I tell her what I’m looking for and she tells me she’ll grab me one. She hands me a hallowed out egg like a deviled egg, but with peanut butter for the filling. She tells me that should cure my cold, and then hands me a bottle of NyQuil and says “that’ll help him .”

AI generated interpretation Based on the dream you've described, there are several potential interpretations: 1. Symbolism of NyQuil: NyQuil is generally associated with relieving symptoms of the common cold, which suggests a possible connection to your physical well-being. It could represent a need for healing or rest in your waking life. Additionally, NyQuil often induces drowsiness, which may symbolize a desire for escape or avoidance of certain stressors or responsibilities. 2. Mom's house and leaving: The dream starts with you being at your mom's house but then she and others leave. This could symbolize a sense of abandonment or feeling unsupported in some aspect of your life. It could reflect a need for connection or emotional support from family or loved ones. 3. Interactions with Elle and Rick: Playing with Elle may represent a desire for comfort, nurturing, or a return to innocence. The cold demeanor of Rick may reflect feelings of irritation or frustration with someone in your waking life. This person may not necessarily intend to push you away, but their behavior could be perceived as dismissive or distant. 4. Quest to find a mr. clean magic erase marker: The search for the marker could symbolize a desire to fix or erase something in your life, perhaps a mistake or a problem that you want to address. It may suggest a need for clarity or resolution in a particular situation. 5. Candace and the hallowed egg with peanut butter: Candace noticing your cold coming on could represent someone in your life who is attuned to your needs or concerns. The hallowed egg with peanut butter filling may symbolize an unconventional or unexpected solution to a problem. It could suggest that the answer you seek may come from an unexpected source. 6. NyQuil as a cure: The bottle of NyQuil handed to you by Candace could symbolize a desire for quick relief or a temporary solution in your waking life. It could suggest the need for some form of escape or a desire for self-care. The statement, "that'll help him," indicates that this solution is directed towards someone else, possibly indicating a need for nurturing or support in relation to another person or situation. Overall, this dream appears to touch on themes of physical and emotional well-being, relationships, and the search for resolution or relief. It may be helpful to reflect on current circumstances and emotions in your waking life to further understand the specific meanings and messages behind these dream symbols.