Call of Cthulhu

Date: 12/7/2016

By popcorngoo

Aiight my dreams were all over the place last night so sorry if this doesn't make sense. So for this dream I was a kid again? Maybe 10? 13? Me and some of my friends (maybe 4 or 5 of us?) were wandering around. We came upon this huuuuge prairie that we roamed for a little while. We finally saw this house. It was very large but not an extravagant house. I guess at that point it was night time cuz we knocked on the door and needed a place to stay. A woman answered and she seemed very rude and didn't want us there. There was a man living there too. I can only assume he was her husband. He smiled creepily and said that one night wouldn't hurt. Immediately I got the vibes that we shouldn't stay there. But my friends were already inside and I didn't want to abandon them. I realized that the house was even bigger on the inside. It was less of a house and more like a giant factory building. It was dirty and there wasn't much furniture though. Only in the main room and the kitchen did they really bother with normal tables and chairs stuff. They put us in some of the rooms. I shared with one friend. And the others were in their own rooms. I tried explaining to him that this place was creepy and that we should risk traveling at night instead of staying here. He agreed that they were weirdos but that I was overreacting a bit to the house. This part is kind of fuzzy but I remember I think one of us got lost and we never found her again. I remember saying has anyone seen _____? And we all got scared cuz she was missing. We all went up to the wife and asked where our friend was. She immediately reacted and said,"I told you to stay in your rooms! It's very impolite to just do as you please in someone else's house! She's got what she deserves now!" The husband kind of zoning out in front of the TV just laughed creepily to himself. He was eating fish guts in a bucket. We all got mad and said, "look our friend is missing in your house. What did you do with her?" And they both got real quiet. The wife kinda warned us about watching our tones. But the husband said that you don't want to test them, lest they let us see what's in the basement. So we all went back to our rooms and some of friends tried to comfort themselves by saying that maybe she'd turn up in the morning. Maybe she just got lost and is sleeping in a different room? But then another friend went missing. And that sparked an investigation. I sneakily checked all the rooms and found gross feeding tubes leading down. Smelly garbage everywhere. And I also found weeeeird ritual textbooks along with like scientific test tubes. I finally went down to the basement and saw only through a key hole (cuz I didn't have the key to the room) massive creature tentacles, and my missing friends bodies laying there on the ground. If any of you know what Cthulhu looks like that's basically what this creature was. The married couple were trying to replicate Cthulhu with rituals and science experiments, and they were feeding my friends to it. I got so scared I bolted. I got my remaining friends and told them what I saw. I said I'm fuckin out of here guys. I'm not staying. You can come with me or stay here and get them out. Up to you. I kept telling myself that I would get the police and they would release my friends and we would all be okay, but I really didn't know. And I felt like a coward for running, but that's what I did. The married couple knew we knew everything at this point and were chasing after me. They didn't follow me forever though. Eventually I got away and that's when the dream ended.