Date: 12/6/2021
By astralArbitrary
i didn’t think to remember this one too hard but here goes. i think it’s halloween and me and my roommate and someone else(?) are dressing up. also we try to bake something with marshmallow and i think it melts everywhere. anyways i’m dressed a like a doll from a horror movie or something? either way it was from some dress. also lots of people were walking around. i think we were on campus but as usual it didn’t look like my real campus at all. then i swear i re-dream a dream i’ve had a long time ago that involves a team, or maybe just a bunch of individual people, trying to achieve something. i remember that there was a villain of some sort but not whether it was just one guy or more of them. it was like a game with steps or stages. the most distinct part is that me and the “villain” communicated by sending each other information in extremely strange and unorthodox ways. i think i sent him an email that was a website with a bunch of insane repeating images along with whatever i was saying. i only vaguely remember talking to someone who was on my side and trying to help me, i remember a computer, and i remember assembling something together that i thought was helping my team win but when i have to get rid of it(?) later on because it’s a bomb maybe, the door handle somehow activates it and it goes flying away, apparently towards the enemy which is what they wanted and needed to win and i had triggered it because they had reprogrammed the door to activate it instead(???). then i’m on the roof of a very tall building in pouring rain and need to get in. some people inside let me in through one of the big glass windows all making up the wall and ceiling and they ask me how i got there and i said i didn’t know. i’m soaking wet. that’s about when i woke up